Welcome to KnyghtErrant.com! I’ve finally broke down and decided to create an actual website to complement my other content. There is so much information that I’d like to be able to share that is just not well suited to social media or video. I want to be able to share research, sources on things like the engimatic ‘lendenier,’ tutorials, patterns, links to reccomended vendors, websites etc.. In order to do that I realized I needed a more permanent presence than just Facebook. While Facebook and other social media is a great content distribution medium, things get lost quickly and I want people to be able to refer to this information on-demand. So please check back often as I plan to continuously update this site with valuable information and resources for people interested in Medieval history, warfare, living history and re-enactment! In the mean time, please feel free to browse, make recommendations or requests, or ask any questions you may have!
About Knyght Errant
Me too, I hope it’s more about different styles of armour .
My particular interest is in the Gothic style and the foot armour of King Henry 8th , which encases him completely. I would be interested in finding out if anyone has worn this and fought in it ?
I think your videos are inspiring .,giving excellent information no one has broached before. -
This looks like it’ll be a useful site for me. Good luck with this blog!
Do you think you will end up posting recommended forums at some point? It would be nice to know where the best places are to discuss these subjects.
Hi Marc, thank you. I’ve begun to put some discussion forums into the ‘Internet Resources’ section of the recommendations, down at the bottom. I intend to add more in the future.
I am getting everything wrong today. I did not notice your response. Thank you for responding both well and quickly. I’ll check out the recommendations periodically to see what you add.
It’s no problem! Wiktenauer is a good resource. I’ve been toying with the idea of making a HEMA-specific section on the recommendations pages, and when I do wiktenauer will definitely be included.
I see that you already do have some forum recommendations I missed. How stupid of me.
Its visual content is likely already included in the sources you mention, but you could consider listing http://www.wiktenauer.com/ for seeing the manuals themselves. Its emphasis on combat might not suit the goals of this site, though I personally consider this important to understanding the characters of our reenactment.
Sorry for the trouble.
Hi Ian, I am trying to determine the best armourers of today. In North America easier but Eastern Europe difficult. Any thoughts? recommendations? I am thinking along lines of 20 best in the world, not cheap Indian stuff AND historically accurate. Regards, Miles
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